Recruitment Information

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Faculty recruitment at CSUDH consists of several processes and procedures and the resources that follow are intended to help guide departments and search committees through the full-time faculty search and hiring process.

If you should have any questions, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development at (310) 243-3766 or email

Faculty Recruitment Process and Advertising Guidelines

It is essential and expected that colleges and departments follow the University faculty recruitment process. Please refer to the below links for more specific recruitment approval process and advertisement content requirements.

  • Faculty Requisition Plan [PDF

Position Description Templates 

  • Position Description Template for Coaches [MS WORD
  • Position Description Template for Full-Time Lecturers [MS WORD]
  • Position Description Template for Instructional Faculty [MS WORD]
    • Math Instructional Faculty Position Description [MS WORD]
  • Position Description Template for Librarians [MS WORD
  • Position Description Template for Student Counselors [MS WORD
  • Position Description Template for Temporary Faculty Pool [MS WORD

Search Committee Procedures and Materials

It is essential and expected that search committees conduct faculty searches in accordance with the Recruitment of Tenure-Track and Other Full-Time Faculty Policy, AA 2012-04 (AAP 007.001).

Who is authorized to serve on a search committee? Per the AA 2012-04 (AAP 007.001) policy, paragraph 2.1, "Elected search committees are required for hiring all full-time faculty. Each department or equivalent unit shall elect a committee of full-time faculty members for the purpose of reviewing and recommending appointments and granting retreat rights. The majority of members serving on search committees shall be tenured and/or tenure track faculty. The department or equivalent unit may also elect full-time faculty members from a related discipline outside the department or equivalent unit."

Please use the below links that are relevant to completing the faculty search process.

Procedures and Policies


Part-Time Faculty User Guides

Templates and Forms

Other Resources and Documents

Frequently Asked Questions for Search Committee Members
  1. If I have served on a search committee within the last two years, do I need to attend the workshop this year? You need only attend a faculty recruitment workshop once every two years, but it is always helpful to attend a workshop as a refresher. However, you will need to complete the Searches and Recruitments in the CSU video every year and sign off on the Confidentiality Agreement. 
  2. Do I need to complete the Searches and Recruitments in the CSU again if I served on a search committee last year? Yes. You will need to complete the Searches and Recruitments in the CSU video every year and send your certificate of completion to Ms. Cheryl Atienza. The video is 60-90 minutes. You can locate the instructions on the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development website. 

  3. How do I print my certificate of completion? Follow this simple steps to print your certificates.

           3a. After you log on to the CSU Learn site and completed the video.

           3b. Click the person-icon icon on the upper left hand corner.

           3c. Click "Reporting".

           3d. Click "Training Transcript".

           3e. Click the certificate-iconicon to print each certificate.

  4. Is it mandatory that I sign the Confidentiality Agreement and why? Yes. You must sign the Confidentiality Agreement form to gain access to the application materials for your job.  Search Committee members are to protect the privacy of candidates and to preserve the integrity of the recruiting process, all search committee members are required to maintain confidentiality throughout and after the conclusion of the recruitment process.  Confidential information includes matters discovered or discussed during the recruiting process. All information relating to another search may only be discussed with other search committee members, Human Resources, or Administrators in the chain of command of the hiring department.

  5. Can I request an independent Workshop for my recruitment/committee? Yes. Please email your request to We will do our best to accommodate your request. However, it is best to attend the Workshop.

  6. May I attend the Workshop through Zoom? Yes, please email Ms. Cheryl Atienza.

  7. There are many Recruitment Documents, and I do not know where to start as a Search Committee Member. Where do I start first as a search committee member? Start with the Full-time Faculty Recruitment Procedures and Checklist. The Checklist is direct and will keep you on target with the recruitment steps. Email your questions to Ms. Cheryl Atienza.

  8. How Do I Gain Access to my job? As a search committee member, you must complete Phase I (Steps 1-3) of the “Full-time Faculty Recruitment Procedures and Checklist.” Instructions are located on the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development website.

  9. How do I/we get a direct link for our job? Once your position has been posted, the search committee will receive an email with the direct link from Gennie Hardy. Email your questions to Cheryl Atienza.